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Air handling unit in heat- and sound-insulated casing. Air flow up to 290 m³/h. Heat recovery efficiency up to 90 %.

  • Description
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  • Designation key
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  • The air handling units are the fully featured ventilation units with heat recovery for air filtration, fresh air supply and stale air extract.
  • During operation the extract air heat is transferred to the supply air stream by the highly efficient plate heat exchanger.
  • The units are designed for energy efficient ventilation of cottages and flats and are compatible with round air ducts (Ø 125, 160 and 200 mm).
  • Supply and exhaust air flows are purified through panel filters with filtering class G4 and F7, respectively.
  • Supply airflows in the VUT/VUE 250 VB EC units are purified through G4 and F7 filters.
  • Exhaust airflows are purified through G4 filters.
  • The units are equipped with high-efficient EC motors with an external rotor with backward curved blades.
  • These state-of-the-art motors offer the very best in energy efficiency today.
  • The high efficiency (up to 90 %) is a definite advantage of EC motors.
  • The VUT VB EC units are equipped with a counter-flow polystyrene heat exchanger.
  • In the cold season the extract air heat is captured and transferred to the supply air stream which reduces the ventilation-generated heat losses.
  • This can lead to formation of condensate that is collected in a special drain pan and discharged into the sewage system.
  • In the warm season the ambient air heat is transferred to the exhaust air stream.
  • This allows for a considerable reduction of the supply air temperature which, in turn, reduces the air conditioning load.

  • The VUE VB EC units are equipped with a counterflow enthalpy heat exchanger.
  • In the cold season the extract air heat and moisture are transferred to the supply air stream through the enthalpy membrane reducing the heat losses from ventilation.
  • The ambient air heat and moisture are transferred to the exhaust air stream through the enthalpy membrane in the warm season.
  • This allows for a considerable reduction of the supply air temperature and humidity which, in turn, reduces the air conditioning load.

  • Made of high-quality polymer coated steel, internally filled with 20, 30 or 40 mm (depending on the unit model) mineral wool layer for heat and sound insulation.
  • The VUT VB EC and VUE VB EC models are equipped with a bypass which can be opened if there is a need to cool down the ventilated area with cool intake air without heat recovery.
  • The VUT/VUE VB EC A11 units have the LCD sensor control panel PU SENS 01.

  • Two ways of freeze protection are available: 
  • Supply fan stopping.
  • Preheating: when the outdoor air temperature drops below -3 °C, the heat exchanger freeze protection algorithm is activated by the NKP electric heater that heats the intake air.
  • The heater power is continuously adjusted by the automation system in order to prevent condensate freezing in the heat exchanger. 
  • The units are designed for wall or floor mounting.
  • The access for unit and filter maintenance is available from the front panel.
  • During mounting stage the front and the back panels can be reversed providing either left-handed or right-handed unit mounting.

The unit design differs depending on the model

Parameter VUE 250 V EC A11
Measurement unit
Phase 1 ˜
Voltage 230 V
Maximum unit power 115 W
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Sound pressure level at 3 m distance 25 dBА
Air capacity 290 m³/h
RPM 2050 min-1
Heat recovery efficiency 78...90 %
Maximum unit current 0.9 A
Weight 51 kg
Transported air temperature -25 ... +40 °С
Casing material painted steel -
Insulation 30 mm mineral wool -
Filter: extract G4 -
Filter: supply G4, F7 -
Connected air duct size 160 mm
Heat exchanger type counter-flow -
Heat exchanger material enthalpy -
SEC Class A -
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  • Advertising and printing products
  • Certificates
  • Technical documentation
"VENTS VUT V/ VB EC (A11)" user's manual 11-2016 (V106-2EN-06) (pdf 6.17Mb)
"VENTS VUT/VUE VB EC" product description 11-2018 (pdf 8.65Mb)
Download high quality image "VENTS VUT V/VB EC (ErP 2016, 2018)" (psd 3.93Mb)
Download image "VENTS VUT V/VB EC (ErP 2016, 2018)" for your website (png 268.91Kb)
"Sensor control panel PU SENS 01 A11/A19" user's manual 04-2019 (V55-6EN-11) (pdf 2.39Mb)
"VENTS VUT/VUE 200 V(B) EC, VUT/VUE 250 V(B) EC" user's manual 05-2023 (V106-5EN-05) (pdf 5.09Mb)
Parameter Value Measurement unit
∅D 159 mm
B 489 mm
H 881 mm
L 567 mm
Additional technical data
Additional technical data
A-weighted sound power level Gen. Octave-frequency band [Hz] LpA, 3 m [dBA] LpA, 1 m [dBA]
dBA 63 125 250 500 1000 2000 4000 8000
LwA to supply air inlet   52 28 46 50 41 36 33 36 29    
LwA to supply air outlet dBA 61 33 53 60 48 38 37 43 36    
LwA to exhaust air inlet dBA 52 28 46 50 42 36 33 35 30    
LwA to exhaust air outlet dBA 62 32 51 61 49 37 37 42 33    
LwA to environment dBA 45 25 41 42 35 32 28 27 22 25 35

Calculation of air temperature downstream of the heat exchanger:

t = toutd + khr * (textr - toutd) / 100,

toutd - outdoor air temperature [°C]
textr - extract air temperature [°C]
khr - heat exchanger efficiency (according to the diagram) [%]

Designation key
Designation key
Series Rated air flow [m3/h] Spigot orientation Casing design Bypass Motor type Control
VUT: ventilation with heat recovery
VUE: ventilation with energy recovery
160; 250; 300; 350; 550 V: vertical _: default value
1: casing modification
2: 20 mm insulation
_: without a bypass
B: with a bypass
ЕС: synchronous electronically commutated motor А11
Model G4 supply filter F7 supply filter Indoor humidity sensor Electric heater for preheating Hydraulic U-trap Air damper Electric actuator Summer block
VUT 160 V EC A11 SF 285х195х10 G4  SF 285х195х10 F7 HV1 NKP-125 SH-32 KRV 125 LF230 VL C6 366/285
VUE 160 V EC A11
VUT 160 VB EC A11 -
VUE 160 VB EC A11
VUT 160 V1 EC A11 VL C6 366/285
VUE 160 V1 EC A11
VUT 160 V1B EC A11 -
VUE 160 V1B EC A11
VUT 250 V EC A11 SF 417х200х18 G4

SF 384x196x40 G4 
SF 417х184х18 F7

SF 384x196x40 F7
NKP-160  KRV 160 VL C6 366/384
VUT 250 VB EC A11 -
VUE 250 V EC A11 VL C6 366/384
VUE 250 VB EC A11 -
VUT 350 V1B EC A11
VUE 350 V1B EC A11
VUT 350 VB EC A11  SF 500х196х40 G4 SF 500х196х40 F7
VUE 350 VB EC A11
VUT 550 VB EC A11 SF 630х198х40 G4 SF 630х198х40 F7 NKP-200 KRV 200
VUE 550 VB EC A11
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